Saturday, November 28, 2009

Letter from Newt Gingrich

Above are copies of one of the pages of a letter I recently received from Newt Gingrich. He apparently is a spokesman for the newly created organization "Citizens United Foundation". I wonder if Newt is thinking of running for a national political office again. When reviewing his recent comments and related criticisms by radical right-wing talk-show hosts Limbaugh and Hannity, it appears that Newt has moderated his right-wing conservative views. If this is true, I and most real Republicans welcome him to the real Republican Party.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Limbaugh's Epistle to United States voters

Following is Chapter 9, verses 16-23, from the First Epistle of Limbaugh to Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, Libertarian, and Independent voters in the United States of America.


"If I proclaim the gospel of Conservatism, this gives me no ground for boasting, for an obligation is laid on me, and woe to me if I do not proclaim the gospel of Conservatism. For if I do this of my own will, I have a reward; but if not of my own will, I am entrusted with a commission. What then is my reward? Just this: That in my proclamation I may make the gospel of Conservatism free of charge, so as not to make full use of my rights in the gospel of Conservatism."

"For though I am free with respect to all, I have made myself a slave of Conservatism so that I might create more Conservatives. To the Republicans and Libertarians, I became like a Republican in order to help Republicans win the presidential election. To the Democrats, I became their enemy so that I might help the Republicans win the presidential election. To the Liberals and Independents, I became their enemy so that I might help the Republicans win the presidential election. To the weak, I became strong so that I might help the Republicans with the presidential election. I have become all these things to all voters so that I might by all means save the United States from Democrats, Liberals, Independents, and Socialism. I do it all for the sake of the gospel of Conservatism so that I may share in its blessings."


Today, sensible citizens of the United States know that Limbaugh's proclaiming the gospel of Conservatism was of no help to the Republican candidate for president, John McCain, who did not win the election. Instead, with his prejudicial, demeaning, and hate-filled rhetoric, Limbaugh energized more than enough Democrats, Liberals, Independents, and some Republicans and Libertarians, to vote for and elect the Democrat's candidate for president, Barack Obama, and elect enough Democrat candidates to gain control of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Will Socialism become a strong influence in the government of the United States? Will Limbaugh issue another epistle? Will he live until the next presidential election? Time will tell...


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Civil Service jobs

Pictured above is the front cover of a tutorial manual that was available in the 1950's to people who were preparing for their Federal Service Entrance Exams (FSEE). Most of the people I knew who studied it had at least two years of college, they passed the exams with top scores and were qualified for relatively high paying civil service career positions. Two of the civil service positions I was offered were FDIC bank examiner, and a supervisory position at a U.S. military base. I declined to take those jobs and instead accepted a position with a manufacturing company that lead to a management position from which I retired with excellent company-paid medical and dental insurance and pension. Interestingly, my friends who retired from civil service management positions have similar pensions (in the form of annuities) but they pay for a large portion of their medical and dental insurance premiums.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Obama health care plan

Does the above depict the health care plan that Obama is trying to get through Congress?
Wake up America!

Friday, October 9, 2009


"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God."
(Matthew 5: 9)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Questionable solicitation for donation of money

Above are copies of a recent solicitation for money that I received in the mail. There is a question whether the money collected by the National Taxpayers Union is being used for more than the high salaries the organizers are getting. Since it appears that there is little or no interest in the legitimacy of this organization by public officials, a private investigation is being conducted.

Friday, October 2, 2009

American Legion Certificate of Nomination

Above is a picture of a Certificate of Nomination that I recently received from the American Legion National Headquarters. The letter that accompanied the certificate states that I have been nominated for membership in the American Legion, it does not state by whom I was nominated.

I find this interesting in that I have never served in any branch of the U.S. military service, which is a requirement for membership in the American Legion. Is this nomination the result of incorrect records somewhere, or is the American Legion sending these certificates of nomination to every person who could have been in U.S. military service?

Wake up America!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

You lie!

Do politicians lie, or do they put "spin" on most of what they say like the right-wing conservative talk-show hosts do?

Wake up America!

Monday, September 7, 2009

30th Psalm of Limbaugh

Following is Psalm 30 that Limbaugh's followers recite in his praise:

I exalt you, O Limbaugh, because you have lifted me up and have not let my Democrat enemies triumph over me.

O Limbaugh, I cry out to you and you restore me to my radical right-wing conservative senses.

You bring me up, O Limbaugh, from a dead political party, you restore my life and keep me from going to the grave as a Democrat.

Sing praise to Limbaugh all you faithful; give thanks for his radical right-wing conservative beliefs.

Limbaugh's wrath is short; his favor lasts a lifetime. Weeping spends the night but the joy of Limbaugh comes in the morning.

Limbaugh makes me feel secure, I shall never be disturbed.

You, Limbaugh, with your favor makes me as strong as the mountains. When you hide your face I am filled with fear.

I cry to you O Limbaugh, I plead with you, saying, "What profit is there if I go down with Democrats? Will they praise you or declare your faithfulness?"

Hear, O Limbaugh, and have mercy upon me; Oh Limbaugh, be my helper.

You turn my wailing into dancing, you put off my Democrat sackcloth and clothe me with the joy of radical right-wing conservatism.

Therefore my heart sings to you without ceasing; Oh Limbaugh, I will give you thanks forever.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

USO, a worthwhile organization

I recently contributed some money to the USO and received the picture above with a sponsoring member card. United Service Organizations (USO) is a private nonprofit organization that provides morale and recreational services to members of the United States military, with programs in 135 centers worldwide.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Newt Gingrich joins the Catholic Church

Newt Gingrich, who was a nominal Southern Baptist for decades, officially joined the Catholic Church on March 29 of this year. I have a hard time believing that such a logical thinking and sensible person would be attracted to the leadership and heretical teachings of the hypocritical hierarchy of the Catholic Church, especially the cannibalistic sacrifice of the mass-holy communion (eucharist). Does Gingrich really believe that the bread and wine served during communion is the body and blood of Jesus Christ? Does anyone with even a bit of common sense believe that?
Wake up America!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Republican Gun Owners Task Force

Above is a scan of a form I recently received from the National Republican Senatorial Committee. It appears to me that this committee might be forming a militia of Republican gun owners to fight against the Democrat liberals efforts to establish a socialist government in the United States.
Wake Up America!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Classic Amercian automobile

The car in the above picture is a 1940 LaSalle. Except for the paint and wheels and some modifications, it has been restored to nearly the condition it was when it was new. I talked to the owner, he just recently decided to sell this car which he has owned for many years.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Classic American automobile

The car in the above picture is a 1949 Mercury. Only a little customizing has been done to it. I saw this car in a Moose Lodge parking lot and found the owner inside having an adult beverage. He was pleased that I asked his permission to take a few pictures of his car and he would have moved it to the lodge's wooded picnic area nearby for more pictures.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The return trip in a private jet

Yesterday my friend returned from her home town in the chartered Cessna Citation CJ2 pictured above. The Citation CJ2 is not as fast as the Hawker 400XP she chartered for the trip to her home town, but the cabin was just as luxurious.

I talked to the pilots of both of the airplanes used for my friend's trip, they are as highly trained and professional as commercial airline pilots. Unlike flying with a commercial airline, there is no check in at an FBO (Fixed Base Operation) terminal where a chartered airplane picks up a passenger. The pilots carry the baggage to and from their passenger's car which is permitted to park near the airplane prior to departure and after arrival at the terminal.

Even though it is very expensive, I believe that chartering a private jet airplane is the very best way to travel where time and convenience are important.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Regional airline pilots and Embraer 145 jet airplanes

Above is a picture of one of the Embraer 145 series regional (commuter) jet airplanes that my son flew several years ago. This is a very fast airplane, capable of 500+ mph (Mach .7+). He told me that this airplane is easy to fly, and the safety record of all of the Embraer 145 airplanes in use is excellent.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Why does Limbaugh tell lies?

During one of his radio talk shows four weeks ago, Limbaugh claimed that the present recession did not begin while Bush was president of the United States. Records show that the recession actually began in 2007, and at least three banks failed that year while Bush was president.

Why did Limbaugh tell this lie? What does he have to gain by telling such lies? True conservatives pride themselves on knowing the facts and speaking the truth. Apparently Limbaugh is not a true conservative; he is just an angry, radical right-wing fascist propagandist entertainer who demeans those with whom he disagrees.

Wake up America!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A trip in a chartered private jet airplane

My friend traveled to her home town a few days ago in a chartered private jet airplane, the Beechcraft Hawker 400XP pictured above. The distance of the flight one way was 300 miles, it took less than an hour since this jet is one of the fastest small, general aviation jet airplanes made, capable of 500+ miles per hour (over Mach .7) The airplane had two pilots, a PIC (pilot in command/captain) and a SIC (second in command/first officer) and my friend was the only passenger in the luxurious cabin that was configured to seat six people.

Friday, July 24, 2009

UFO near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

When this sunrise picture was taken on August 7, 2007, an unidentified foreign object appeared in it. The UFO was not far from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio at the moment the picture was taken. The picture was analyzed by photographic experts and their opinion was that the UFO was some kind of experimental aircraft, and only part of it was visible most likely because some type of "electronic masking" was being used to conceal it. Wright-Patterson Air Force base is known to have facilities where various types of experimental aircraft are developed and tested.

Chain saw carving

Above is a picture of a chain saw carving that was once the trunk of a cedar tree. This carving is located in a private campground in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in southern Ohio.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Regional airline pilots and Dash 8 airplanes

The above picture is of a DeHavilland DHC 8 (Dash 8) twin turbo-prop (engine) airplane. One of my sons is a pilot for a regional (commuter) airline and this is the type of airplane he presently flies. This airplane holds 37 passengers and one of its features is that it doesn't require as long runways for take offs and landings as similar size twin jet (engine) airplanes. It has excellent sound proofing in the cabin, and comfortable seats.
My son has had many interesting experiences as a commercial airline pilot, some of which he has allowed me to post. I plan to do that in the future.

Moderate Republican conservatives are regularly maligned by radical right-wing conservative talk show hosts Limbaugh and Hannity, who seem to be ignorant of the damage they have done to the Republican Party. The Republican National Committee should take a firmer stand against the angry and rabid rhetoric of these self-appointed spokesmen for conservative politics and make clear what the real Republican Party stands for before Republicans actually become an endangered species.


Monday, July 20, 2009

To get used to working with the Google blog site, I decided to post another blog with a picture of the Brazilian Smoke Squad that appeared at the Dayton Air Show this past weekend. (I scanned this picture from the Dayton Daily News.)

Moving from Yahoo to Google with my blog.

Yahoo did away with their Yahoo 360 blog site and replaced it with one that does not allow me to use pictures from my computer picture files. I hope to transfer most of my postings I have on Yahoo Profiles blog site to this site; I hope you will find them interesting.

Since I'm posting this first blog a day after the Dayton Air Show, I have included a picture of the Thunderbirds that participated in the air show. (I scanned the picture from the Dayton Daily News. )