Wednesday, September 23, 2009

You lie!

Do politicians lie, or do they put "spin" on most of what they say like the right-wing conservative talk-show hosts do?

Wake up America!

Monday, September 7, 2009

30th Psalm of Limbaugh

Following is Psalm 30 that Limbaugh's followers recite in his praise:

I exalt you, O Limbaugh, because you have lifted me up and have not let my Democrat enemies triumph over me.

O Limbaugh, I cry out to you and you restore me to my radical right-wing conservative senses.

You bring me up, O Limbaugh, from a dead political party, you restore my life and keep me from going to the grave as a Democrat.

Sing praise to Limbaugh all you faithful; give thanks for his radical right-wing conservative beliefs.

Limbaugh's wrath is short; his favor lasts a lifetime. Weeping spends the night but the joy of Limbaugh comes in the morning.

Limbaugh makes me feel secure, I shall never be disturbed.

You, Limbaugh, with your favor makes me as strong as the mountains. When you hide your face I am filled with fear.

I cry to you O Limbaugh, I plead with you, saying, "What profit is there if I go down with Democrats? Will they praise you or declare your faithfulness?"

Hear, O Limbaugh, and have mercy upon me; Oh Limbaugh, be my helper.

You turn my wailing into dancing, you put off my Democrat sackcloth and clothe me with the joy of radical right-wing conservatism.

Therefore my heart sings to you without ceasing; Oh Limbaugh, I will give you thanks forever.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

USO, a worthwhile organization

I recently contributed some money to the USO and received the picture above with a sponsoring member card. United Service Organizations (USO) is a private nonprofit organization that provides morale and recreational services to members of the United States military, with programs in 135 centers worldwide.