Tuesday, May 18, 2010

George Bush wants some of my money

I recently received a letter from George Bush asking me to contribute to his Presidential Center. The letter included the picture above, which shows George rather awkwardly leaning toward Laura. Surely a better picture could have been taken for this effort to raise money for his Presidential Center, which will be home to his Presidential Library and Museum.

I wonder if George, like previous U.S. presidents, will staff the center with friends and relatives and pay them high salaries. Radical right-wing Conservatives complain about government social welfare programs and ignore personal welfare programs such as are presidential libraries, museums, etc., that use public and private funds to build and support.


Monday, January 11, 2010

The above pictured blog was posted on another blog site last year. Cunningham is a radical "rabble-rouser" with a daytime talk show in Cincinnati and he seems to be totally ignorant of the racial problems he causes.

Wake up America!