Friday, July 31, 2009

Why does Limbaugh tell lies?

During one of his radio talk shows four weeks ago, Limbaugh claimed that the present recession did not begin while Bush was president of the United States. Records show that the recession actually began in 2007, and at least three banks failed that year while Bush was president.

Why did Limbaugh tell this lie? What does he have to gain by telling such lies? True conservatives pride themselves on knowing the facts and speaking the truth. Apparently Limbaugh is not a true conservative; he is just an angry, radical right-wing fascist propagandist entertainer who demeans those with whom he disagrees.

Wake up America!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A trip in a chartered private jet airplane

My friend traveled to her home town a few days ago in a chartered private jet airplane, the Beechcraft Hawker 400XP pictured above. The distance of the flight one way was 300 miles, it took less than an hour since this jet is one of the fastest small, general aviation jet airplanes made, capable of 500+ miles per hour (over Mach .7) The airplane had two pilots, a PIC (pilot in command/captain) and a SIC (second in command/first officer) and my friend was the only passenger in the luxurious cabin that was configured to seat six people.

Friday, July 24, 2009

UFO near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

When this sunrise picture was taken on August 7, 2007, an unidentified foreign object appeared in it. The UFO was not far from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio at the moment the picture was taken. The picture was analyzed by photographic experts and their opinion was that the UFO was some kind of experimental aircraft, and only part of it was visible most likely because some type of "electronic masking" was being used to conceal it. Wright-Patterson Air Force base is known to have facilities where various types of experimental aircraft are developed and tested.

Chain saw carving

Above is a picture of a chain saw carving that was once the trunk of a cedar tree. This carving is located in a private campground in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in southern Ohio.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Regional airline pilots and Dash 8 airplanes

The above picture is of a DeHavilland DHC 8 (Dash 8) twin turbo-prop (engine) airplane. One of my sons is a pilot for a regional (commuter) airline and this is the type of airplane he presently flies. This airplane holds 37 passengers and one of its features is that it doesn't require as long runways for take offs and landings as similar size twin jet (engine) airplanes. It has excellent sound proofing in the cabin, and comfortable seats.
My son has had many interesting experiences as a commercial airline pilot, some of which he has allowed me to post. I plan to do that in the future.

Moderate Republican conservatives are regularly maligned by radical right-wing conservative talk show hosts Limbaugh and Hannity, who seem to be ignorant of the damage they have done to the Republican Party. The Republican National Committee should take a firmer stand against the angry and rabid rhetoric of these self-appointed spokesmen for conservative politics and make clear what the real Republican Party stands for before Republicans actually become an endangered species.


Monday, July 20, 2009

To get used to working with the Google blog site, I decided to post another blog with a picture of the Brazilian Smoke Squad that appeared at the Dayton Air Show this past weekend. (I scanned this picture from the Dayton Daily News.)

Moving from Yahoo to Google with my blog.

Yahoo did away with their Yahoo 360 blog site and replaced it with one that does not allow me to use pictures from my computer picture files. I hope to transfer most of my postings I have on Yahoo Profiles blog site to this site; I hope you will find them interesting.

Since I'm posting this first blog a day after the Dayton Air Show, I have included a picture of the Thunderbirds that participated in the air show. (I scanned the picture from the Dayton Daily News. )